
Sometimes people have difficulty abandoning things which they are used to of. Replacing old traditional ways into new ones can bring improvements, but this fact can vary between cases.

Some cases are just because replacing things is a labor. But even if we know that the labor cost of replacing it can be much lower, it doesn't always responds to action. It is because Aichaku gets in the way in our minds.
Having Aichaku to certain things can have positive effect that is beyond function. Although this has a strong correlation between how well your are used to handle the object, it is also composed of many other factors. Aichaku has an effect that can support your mental state. For example, a value towards an certain object can vary between people. But if one has Aichaku towards this certain object, this value is independent from what others say about it. In other words,it makes you take pride in whatever you do with it.
On the other hand, it is also true that being attached to a certain stance might get in the ways of the steps of progress. With the improvement of modern technology, things are replaced quickly. This may confuse the importance of Aichaku. In the industrial world, we put more emphasis on efficiency because it is a matter of how fast we can produce. Here, we can see that in the industry world, Aichaku should be ignored. Limiting to this case, we can say that having Aichaku is a taboo. But people's mind cannot adapt that quickly. Industry can be thought as human workers gathered together. Hence we cannot miss out the fact that each people need a place to rest their minds on. This example shows the dillemma of either Aichaku can be thought as evil or not.
In conclusion, we need to recognize the importance of Aichaku in each case you are dealing with. When improvements are slow, the chance are that you are having too much Aichaku.