Why does everyone need to study basic mathematics?

There are several reasons to why basic skills for mathematics are essential to people.

The first reason is that because it is a important tool to help you estimate your future. By being able to do simple caluculations, for instance we can plan how much money we could spend in certain occasions. Without the sence of subtracting the money you have in your pocket, this person will waste money without having a idea. By having the basic knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, we can then at least know how much money we will have left before you even start losing your money.

Another reason is because it helps people to choose the right choise. The world is filled with many information, and from there you have to pick what is most suitable for you by judging what effect it could cause upon yourself. Here, if you have the skills of basic mathematics it will help you have a better idea of the after effect. In terms of finance,the amount of cash you lose or earn would change by wether you can pridict the numbers.

The third reason is that having the basic skills in mathematics can provide you better understanding of nature laws. Because the world around you obeys the laws of physics. knowing how numbers relate with each other is one key to understand certain cases. We can also say that we need the basic rules in order to discovering the hidden natural patterns

Above all these reasons, I belive it is essential that people understand the basics of mathematics.

The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM, Third Edition

The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM, Third Edition