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D02 地球の歩き方 上海 杭州・蘇州・水郷古鎮 2010~2011

D02 地球の歩き方 上海 杭州・蘇州・水郷古鎮 2010~2011

Why does everyone need to study basic mathematics?

There are several reasons to why basic skills for mathematics are essential to people.

The first reason is that because it is a important tool to help you estimate your future. By being able to do simple caluculations, for instance we can plan how much money we could spend in certain occasions. Without the sence of subtracting the money you have in your pocket, this person will waste money without having a idea. By having the basic knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, we can then at least know how much money we will have left before you even start losing your money.

Another reason is because it helps people to choose the right choise. The world is filled with many information, and from there you have to pick what is most suitable for you by judging what effect it could cause upon yourself. Here, if you have the skills of basic mathematics it will help you have a better idea of the after effect. In terms of finance,the amount of cash you lose or earn would change by wether you can pridict the numbers.

The third reason is that having the basic skills in mathematics can provide you better understanding of nature laws. Because the world around you obeys the laws of physics. knowing how numbers relate with each other is one key to understand certain cases. We can also say that we need the basic rules in order to discovering the hidden natural patterns

Above all these reasons, I belive it is essential that people understand the basics of mathematics.

The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM, Third Edition

The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM, Third Edition

How Japanese Electronic Makers should survive the global market

Nowadays people need more imformation much quicker than the days in the past. We started to gather information from the vast internet, which drastically changed the way compared to times when people folded newspapers and stuck to TVs watching broadcast shows. The alternative information tool these days have turned out to be something called as "smartphones".

Unfortunately, our Japanese electronic makers are losing this share around the globe. From what I have seen, there are several factors that has occured this dismay.

One thing seems to be that the developing speed is slow compared to other competitors. Not only making better use of what we have already, it is important to invest money to gain developing speed in order to make more efficient environment. When these kinds of decisions start to get get slow, the entire pace will sharply fall,

Another factor is that we have to have a more clear vision of the electronic market trend. Since selling the products are the ultimate goal, we have to be sure to check the needs of various users. Not keeping an eye on this fact will lead to wasting money and time just for creating nothing. Accordingly, all the various function can be appreciated only when the needs from the users matches the concept of those.

In terms of smartphones, one of the biggest difference between the traditional product making is that the hardware is only one aspect of the product. We need to construct the whole infrastructure as a system. By having a good software, we can provide usefulness by applying it to variety of divices. This is important because it has a increasingly more effect to the users.
Constructing this environment helps the users to for example, to gather information more efficiently. In addition, the system can also make payments smoothly, so here we can create a nice flow of cash. Then we have to think about how to make this software more widespread to the users.

And lastly, and one of the most important is that having the ability to make good use of English is crutial in order to survive the global market.


Sometimes people have difficulty abandoning things which they are used to of. Replacing old traditional ways into new ones can bring improvements, but this fact can vary between cases.

Some cases are just because replacing things is a labor. But even if we know that the labor cost of replacing it can be much lower, it doesn't always responds to action. It is because Aichaku gets in the way in our minds.
Having Aichaku to certain things can have positive effect that is beyond function. Although this has a strong correlation between how well your are used to handle the object, it is also composed of many other factors. Aichaku has an effect that can support your mental state. For example, a value towards an certain object can vary between people. But if one has Aichaku towards this certain object, this value is independent from what others say about it. In other words,it makes you take pride in whatever you do with it.
On the other hand, it is also true that being attached to a certain stance might get in the ways of the steps of progress. With the improvement of modern technology, things are replaced quickly. This may confuse the importance of Aichaku. In the industrial world, we put more emphasis on efficiency because it is a matter of how fast we can produce. Here, we can see that in the industry world, Aichaku should be ignored. Limiting to this case, we can say that having Aichaku is a taboo. But people's mind cannot adapt that quickly. Industry can be thought as human workers gathered together. Hence we cannot miss out the fact that each people need a place to rest their minds on. This example shows the dillemma of either Aichaku can be thought as evil or not.
In conclusion, we need to recognize the importance of Aichaku in each case you are dealing with. When improvements are slow, the chance are that you are having too much Aichaku.

The reason I chose the field of Mechanical Engineering

As a university student in Kyoto, I major in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
Today's topic is, "Why have I chosen to step into the world of mechanics?"
Looking back the way of interest I had in the past, I noticed that it seems obvious that I took this way.

First, I was a child who liked to know how things work. In my mind, I always had these types of questions, how do cars move? How does airplane fly? Why doesn's a ship sink? As I got through my steps of education, I started to recognize the fundamental of mechanics, and found myself that these are the questions that I wanted to take a step further with.

The second reason is that because I thought I had the mind of creation. The understanding of fundamental mechanics is one thing, but I also had the intention to design my own product. Historical discoveries can't be cut off with the history of invention. What motivates me is that by inventing new things, it may change how the world looks.

The third reason is simply because I prefered studiying mathematical subjects more than those related to arts, literature, history and so on. What was important to me was not only remembering the facts, but to understand how things work as a system. Here, the nature always follow the basic rules of mathematics, hence it was important to me to master the basic skills of mathematics and physics.

Thinking about these factors, I belive that these recognition have made myself turn my mind toward the field of mechanica engineering.

Searching for information about applying to university abroad

I don't want to waste the chance to study engineering abroad. There are some reasons to this.
One is to obtain the skills to express my thoughts in the nation wide world. In the fields of engineering, the cruisal problem we have to face are how things work. This means that what we have to deal with is the understanding of certain phenomenon, which we shouldn't let language the barriers to block out the ideas we have. Sadly, the true meaning of international research seems not to be broadly rooted in Japan yet.
Another reason is that changing environment may let new ideas come in. When people move into new environments, their brains somehow start to adapt to the new world they jumped in. That effect really has correlation with getting to have new ideas or thoughts. It is said that our brains absorb knowledge the best when we are in the 20's. Accordingly,to experience research life abroad when young might affect how you act when you encounter problems in the future.
Lastly, I would like to have the image of what Japanese universities should face with/is going to face with. Listening to recent news, the average knowledge level of Japanese University students is dropping. This might be because of the increase of the entire mass population of students, but some think that the problem lies in the system of Japanese universities. The purpose of having education in university is not only to have the name of your graduate school, but to obtain deep knowledge and have further education. The recent state we see nowadays seems far from this concept.

How to deal with social network services

One of the most greatest distractions during concentration of my studying is that I can't stop looking at the the builten boards of social network services. The information there are all collected from what my friends have typed, so it constantly changes and could be seen in real time.
I do think it is a great way to keep in touch with people, but sometimes, their voices can turn into distractions that you may not want to hear at certain times.
Thanks to the evolution of technology, we now can have a view of these tweets anywhere, any time. But at the same time, we could also say from this that we keep minding about these tweets, therefor we tend to check it once in a minute, which I think seems to be crazy.
It is high time we made the effort not to look at these while you want to have your truely private time. (here I used the word private since checking and reloading the tweets frequently ristricts your mind motions).
One thing I noticed is that I stopped being distracted when I left my device at home. This might be because having these in our bags makes us the urge to check it, hence I could shut out this effect by leaving it out of my reach of my hands.
Another means is, though temporarily, is by insisting yourself and showing to your friends that you will be stop tweeting for a while. This will knock out the motivation to think of what to tweet next, which I think is one of the major reasons our minds get distracted.
We have to deal with our tool correctly, and need to control it so that it woldn't get out of our hands.