Bought Chinese Dictionary

Learning a new language by youself could be difficult, but you can notice many important factors within adopting yourself into a new culture.

First, it gives you a chance to reconsider your own native language. If your mother tongue is Japanese, just spending your life in Japanese soiety wont let you be conscious of how Japanese is similar/differnt to many other languages. From there, you might notice that your own language seems sophisticed, have a unique way in expressig a certain state, and many features that you might not have noticed if not having the knowledge of other language backgrouds.

Another thing is that it helps to have a greater chance to communicate with a larger audience. People around the globe have different cultural backgrounds for sure. In able to have a heartly communication with people in certain nation, we have to move action to strive to understand their culure, and being able to speak or understands to their words is a great leap towards this mutual understanding. The laguage skill will surely be one of the key factors in order to make good relationship in the international sociaty.

Lastly, it may help you notice how other people adopt to new cultures.
The difficuly of learning a new language can only be percived by learning it by yourself. Without having the image of how people suffer adopting themselves into new cultures, you might not be able to give advise to people who want to learn the language you speak. Accordingly, you might be able to evaluate the ability of individuls more precisely.



2011/02/08 02:33

Woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Gotta figure out a way to wake up early.

There are several problems that could be caused by waking up early.
One thing is that it confuses your daily rythem.
Schools and people around you have already started their activities, few hours ago before you woke up. This means that you could already be late before you notice it. Often once people get up late, they can't shift their time back to regular rythem, since getting up late leads to going for bed more late. Which means that even in the weekends, we should be carful not to sleep too much.

Another thing is that its not good for your health.
Shifting your dinner time late can cause losing balance of your body. If you ate dinner late then went to sleep, it may lead to obesity. Night is not really the time to make actions with your body, so getting energy at those times will just turn that energy, into fat. Waking up in the afternoon will automatically skip your breakfast. As these loops on, there is no wonder you are going to lack a healthy diet.


Got up 2:30 in the afternoon.
I should stop staying late till midnight, because it is definitely restricting my time I could spend for my daily activities next day.

I quickly took a shower, then packed up to get ready for my english training.

Headed to the university library with my TOEFL textbook, expecting nice consentration of studying without all the distractions hanging in my own room.

Read a passage about "Origins of whale" then answered to the questions. Got two wrong, then checked the points I was missing.
Done another Reading section reffering about "Desertification". I guess I skimmed through the passage too quick, and knowticed that I missed out some important factors neccesary to correctly answer the questions.
I felt nothing essentially different from taking the TOEIC reading section, and the passage was fairly easy to follow.
From now on, I have to improve my writing skills.


Stopped using twitter for a certain period. Obviously,it was distracting my attention towards my daily to-do jobs, so I instantly stopped twittering around, leaving a note that says "I'll be gone for a while. Apologize for the abruptive decision." The next thing I had to do was to cut down all the applications in my Iphone, so that I won't be distracted again from my passions to tweet.
For a certain time, tweeting my opinion was one of my leisures to do in my free time. But I think it got too far. The first thing was that I started to import news article with witch my own opinion attatched to it to my own TL. It was a great training, collecting and selecting news article and having my own thoughts to it. But I have to say that some of the news were mostly seento be indifferent, and to those people, the news I brought must have been a stress to even have a glace at it. Second, it wasn't a good idea to connect all the SNSs to my twitter TL. I faliled to controll with whom I should share my information with. All the news I collected were flowing down towards mixi, facebook, and so on. And at least it wasn't a pleasant thing to see all the flowing news on the thread for some people. Third, then I thought that afterall, the whole thread is just a personal opinion, and who cares if I quited anyway. Soon as I knowticed all these facts, ASAP, sent a message knowting that I'll be gone for a while and deleted all my applications(my twitter account is still alive, though).
Wondering about what the consequenses could be, at least I succeeded in writing my first English diary just right here.
