Bought Chinese Dictionary

Learning a new language by youself could be difficult, but you can notice many important factors within adopting yourself into a new culture.

First, it gives you a chance to reconsider your own native language. If your mother tongue is Japanese, just spending your life in Japanese soiety wont let you be conscious of how Japanese is similar/differnt to many other languages. From there, you might notice that your own language seems sophisticed, have a unique way in expressig a certain state, and many features that you might not have noticed if not having the knowledge of other language backgrouds.

Another thing is that it helps to have a greater chance to communicate with a larger audience. People around the globe have different cultural backgrounds for sure. In able to have a heartly communication with people in certain nation, we have to move action to strive to understand their culure, and being able to speak or understands to their words is a great leap towards this mutual understanding. The laguage skill will surely be one of the key factors in order to make good relationship in the international sociaty.

Lastly, it may help you notice how other people adopt to new cultures.
The difficuly of learning a new language can only be percived by learning it by yourself. Without having the image of how people suffer adopting themselves into new cultures, you might not be able to give advise to people who want to learn the language you speak. Accordingly, you might be able to evaluate the ability of individuls more precisely.

