How to deal with social network services

One of the most greatest distractions during concentration of my studying is that I can't stop looking at the the builten boards of social network services. The information there are all collected from what my friends have typed, so it constantly changes and could be seen in real time.
I do think it is a great way to keep in touch with people, but sometimes, their voices can turn into distractions that you may not want to hear at certain times.
Thanks to the evolution of technology, we now can have a view of these tweets anywhere, any time. But at the same time, we could also say from this that we keep minding about these tweets, therefor we tend to check it once in a minute, which I think seems to be crazy.
It is high time we made the effort not to look at these while you want to have your truely private time. (here I used the word private since checking and reloading the tweets frequently ristricts your mind motions).
One thing I noticed is that I stopped being distracted when I left my device at home. This might be because having these in our bags makes us the urge to check it, hence I could shut out this effect by leaving it out of my reach of my hands.
Another means is, though temporarily, is by insisting yourself and showing to your friends that you will be stop tweeting for a while. This will knock out the motivation to think of what to tweet next, which I think is one of the major reasons our minds get distracted.
We have to deal with our tool correctly, and need to control it so that it woldn't get out of our hands.