Searching for information about applying to university abroad

I don't want to waste the chance to study engineering abroad. There are some reasons to this.
One is to obtain the skills to express my thoughts in the nation wide world. In the fields of engineering, the cruisal problem we have to face are how things work. This means that what we have to deal with is the understanding of certain phenomenon, which we shouldn't let language the barriers to block out the ideas we have. Sadly, the true meaning of international research seems not to be broadly rooted in Japan yet.
Another reason is that changing environment may let new ideas come in. When people move into new environments, their brains somehow start to adapt to the new world they jumped in. That effect really has correlation with getting to have new ideas or thoughts. It is said that our brains absorb knowledge the best when we are in the 20's. Accordingly,to experience research life abroad when young might affect how you act when you encounter problems in the future.
Lastly, I would like to have the image of what Japanese universities should face with/is going to face with. Listening to recent news, the average knowledge level of Japanese University students is dropping. This might be because of the increase of the entire mass population of students, but some think that the problem lies in the system of Japanese universities. The purpose of having education in university is not only to have the name of your graduate school, but to obtain deep knowledge and have further education. The recent state we see nowadays seems far from this concept.