Got up 2:30 in the afternoon.
I should stop staying late till midnight, because it is definitely restricting my time I could spend for my daily activities next day.

I quickly took a shower, then packed up to get ready for my english training.

Headed to the university library with my TOEFL textbook, expecting nice consentration of studying without all the distractions hanging in my own room.

Read a passage about "Origins of whale" then answered to the questions. Got two wrong, then checked the points I was missing.
Done another Reading section reffering about "Desertification". I guess I skimmed through the passage too quick, and knowticed that I missed out some important factors neccesary to correctly answer the questions.
I felt nothing essentially different from taking the TOEIC reading section, and the passage was fairly easy to follow.
From now on, I have to improve my writing skills.