Stopped using twitter for a certain period. Obviously,it was distracting my attention towards my daily to-do jobs, so I instantly stopped twittering around, leaving a note that says "I'll be gone for a while. Apologize for the abruptive decision." The next thing I had to do was to cut down all the applications in my Iphone, so that I won't be distracted again from my passions to tweet.
For a certain time, tweeting my opinion was one of my leisures to do in my free time. But I think it got too far. The first thing was that I started to import news article with witch my own opinion attatched to it to my own TL. It was a great training, collecting and selecting news article and having my own thoughts to it. But I have to say that some of the news were mostly seento be indifferent, and to those people, the news I brought must have been a stress to even have a glace at it. Second, it wasn't a good idea to connect all the SNSs to my twitter TL. I faliled to controll with whom I should share my information with. All the news I collected were flowing down towards mixi, facebook, and so on. And at least it wasn't a pleasant thing to see all the flowing news on the thread for some people. Third, then I thought that afterall, the whole thread is just a personal opinion, and who cares if I quited anyway. Soon as I knowticed all these facts, ASAP, sent a message knowting that I'll be gone for a while and deleted all my applications(my twitter account is still alive, though).
Wondering about what the consequenses could be, at least I succeeded in writing my first English diary just right here.